United4IstanbulConvention Campaign’s Global Call to Action to Join the Online Demonstration:
Pin Your City on the Map, Write Your Message, Join the Demonstration!
After it was announced on the Official Gazette that Turkey would withdraw from the Istanbul Convention with a Presidential Decision, 23 feminist and LGBTI+ organizations from Turkey, Europe and International NGOs and networks joined their forces to uphold their rights and defend the Istanbul Convention. The campaign was launched on May 11th 2021, by issuing a statement; now they have started a global online demonstration before the 1st of July, which is the date that Turkey is going to leave the Convention. Thousands of people from the Canary Islands to Malesia, from Poland to Dominican Republic, from Argentina to Slovakia, from Italy to Trinidad and Tobago, have attended the demonstration and shared messages showing their commitment to upholding women’s and LGBTI+ rights, democracy and the rule of law.
Participants to the demonstration stated that “This withdrawal attempt is the culmination of global attacks against human rights in general, and women’s and LGBTI+ rights in particular. But we won’t back down” underlining that the withdrawal attempt is null and void according to the constitution and international human rights norms. The campaign constituencies emphasized that human rights are non-negotiable and cannot be bargaining chips, and recognize it is not only women’s and LGBTI+ rights, but also gender equality, human rights, and democratic principles that are at stake. The constituencies called on the President of Turkey and the government to urgently reverse this unlawful and unconstitutional decision and everybody who believes in equality and democracy for all to join the online demonstration.
Call to join the Online Demonstration:
Haven you yet pinned yourself?
We get together for an online demonstration to raise our voices against the unlawful, unconstitutional decision of Turkey to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention.
To join the demonstration, go to www.united4istanbulconvention.com. Pin yourself on the map. Type your name in the form that comes next. Choose one of the ready messages or write your own one. Pick an avatar and lastly click the button “Add to Map!”. Then you will join the online demonstration to uphold the Istanbul Convention.
To join us, pin yourself, choose your avatar, write your message!
Campaign Constituencies:
- 17 Mayıs Derneği (17 May Association, Turkey)
- Antalya Feminist Kolektif (Antalya Feminist Collective, Turkey)
- ASTRA Network
- European Women’s Lobby Romania
- European Women’s Lobby Turkey Coordination
- Fundacja Feminoteka (Feminoteka Fundation, Poland)
- Hafıza Merkezi Berlin (Germany)
- International Alliance of Women (IAW)
- IWRAW Asia Pacific
- Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı (Foundation for Women’s Solidarity, Turkey)
- Kaos GL (Turkey)
- Katre Kadın Danışma ve Dayanışma Derneği (Katre Women’s Counselling and Solidarity Association, Turkey)
- L’ Associacio, Drets Sexuals i Reproductius (Sexual and Reproductive Rights Association, Spain)
- Minerva Lab on Diversity and Gender Inequality (Italy)
- Mor Çatı Women’s Shelter Foundation (Turkey)
- Nőkért Egyesület (Association for Women, Hungary)
- Puduhepa (Germany)
- Social Policy, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association (SPoD, Turkey)
- Women for Women’s Human Rights — New Ways (Kadının İnsan Hakları- Yeni Çözümler Derneği, Turkey)
- Women’s Coalition International Working Groups ( Kadın Koalisyonu Uluslararası Çalışma Grubu)